Yes! Infographics are 30 times more likely to be read than pure text making them a very important part of your annual Report design.
It has also been noted that people aren’t reading information in the same way they used to. Many of us have limited time and there are many things trying to grab our attention.
By adding in some creative representation of information a straightforward and dull report can become and engaging and accessible and one that all your stakeholders will want to read.
By using graphs, pie charts and timelines you can build a great visual representation of your organisation. They can draw attention to your most important information, highlight your key messages and achievements.
Infographics can pull at heart strings especially in the non profit space by showing donors where their money has benefited the community.
And don’t forget once the infographics have been designed you can reuse them throughout the year on presentations and other promotional items! Your Annual Report is such a great investment and marketing tool.
So this year why not look at your data and pullout some of the important facts and highlight them. It may inspire a new stakeholder to join your amazing organisition.
Happy Reporting ❤️