If you are looking to start a new business in 2023 here are my top 3 pieces of information you need to know before hitting 'launch'.
1. Your business name and tagline
When coming up with a business name and tagline make sure it is authentic to who you are whilst also conveying what you do and who you work with. Make sure it is clear to your audience what your offering.
2. Brand foundations like your why and ideal client.
It is important to do the groundwork for your brand before you jump into picking colours and fonts. Make sure you are really clear on your business' why and who your ideal client is first. Are you looking to target females aged between 20-30 who like to be outdoors and like to cook. Or are you targeting retired couples aged 65+ who love escaping the winter to a warmer climate and enjoy sailing? Its really important to narrow down who you're trying to attract and talk to.
3. Brand visual inspiration!
Before you hire a pro designer 😉 to help with your visual brand do some research and see what feels right for you.
Pinterest is great for gathering ideas and inspiration. Pin things like colours, fonts, patterns and logos you like.
Launching a new business is such an exciting time and by having these three key pieces of information at the forefront of your mind you when you hit launch you are going to be so clear on your target audience and how to engage them.
Let’s recap!
Decide on a business name and tagline that really captures who your are and what you are offering. This will help with your business 'why' and who your target market audience. Then it's time to start researching colour palettes, fonts and logo inspiration.
So there you have it – the three key pieces of information you need before you launch your new business.
So get going today!
Are you ready to create an impactful brand that speaks to your target audience and tells your story? Let's have a connection chat and get started on launching your new business!